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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 7 and 8

Tonight is the end of day 8 of the insanity program. Sorry I did not get a post out but I was so worn out from the day and the workout that I fell asleep while typing my post that inadvertently got erased.

The funny thing about that was that before I started my post I set my alarm to wake myself up. So when the alarm went off in the morning I heard the alarm going off from somewhere in my bed. I had to laugh at myself for that one.

Well Monday nights workout was hard, I think, because I took the words "day off" a bit to seriously. I did not do any exercises at all, just did a few things around the house and ran some errands around town.

I think this upcoming Sunday I will do a light workout and lots of stretching. The workout itself was tough but I think I got too stiff. The other thing that bothered me was my right knee. The pain really kept me from doing a few of the exercises. That was a little frustrating because I don't want to have to stop doing insanity.

Today at work I was talking to a co-worker who had some knee problems when she did her workouts suggested I get a knee brace. So after work I went to CVS and got one.

The knee brace did the trick. Tonights work out went much better. I was able to do some of the exercises with no pain that I was not able to do the night before. The workout tonight was pure cardio. Not as tough as last night but maybe last night was tough because of the knee pain.

Well with the workout done and the blood sugar at a good number for bedtime I think I will turn in and dream of getting super fit and ripped and eating great healthy meals that don't ply games with the blood sugar numbers.

As a last quick note, since being on the insanity program and sticking to the nutrition plan my blood sugar numbers have been great. As an example, I have had to start being concerned of going low where as two weeks ago I was fighting to keep them from going too high. So keeping the calories down to 500 per meal and five meals a day has done wonders for my numbers. The weight is dropping off too.

Well time for bed good night and I will see you here tomorrow night.

Kihelakayo (keep going in Lakota)

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